Squishing Bugs

Hello Motas Minions!

Thanks for playing!  The support's been amazing.  Will be pushing a hotter and steamier update sometime in the next week-will add more animations and graphics to the game, as well as squish the annoying bug that results in invincible enemies when poisoned and out of hp.   Found the fix already, but changes can't be made until post Jam, and we're still spreading our game jam on toast.   Will probably throw up a google form to start gauging kickstarter/patreon interest, & I've hired an artist I worked with before on Coloret to handle Steam capsule art.  We plan on pushing a large update In early October, which will probably included dynamic music based on deck/hand contents, more sigils, and multicoloured tinctures. 

You can play the buggy version here still:


All the best,



magnum_opus_html5.zip 44 MB
49 days ago

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